The following is part of our 25-day Holiday Countdown Calendar! Every day from December 1st through the 25th, we’re posting a cool game history treat, daily updates from the VGHF, giveaways, and more! To make sure you don’t miss a day, sign up for our email list:
This is all part of our annual Winter Fundraiser donation drive, where we ask those who are able to generously give what they can so that we can continue thriving. If you’re able to make an additional one-time charitable contribution, this really is the best time to do so, as your donations will be DOUBLED thanks to a generous group of sponsors! Head on over to to learn more and give today.
Awesome Games Done Quick is only a month away, and one of the long GDQ traditions is raffling off prizes. Prizes? Did someone say prizes?
We have a prize from GDQ in our collection, and not just any prize. We believe this is the first prize ever given away at a GDQ event!

This sketch of Proto Man, drawn by long-time Games Done Quick artist LLK, was raffled off at the first Classic Games Done Quick in 2010. The winner (and donor) was a community member named IG-64, whose $15 contribution was one of the first ten donations in the history of GDQ. This drawing may also be one of the only pieces of physical evidence that Classic Games Done Quick was originally planned to be held at the gaming festival MAGFest.
Today’s Sponsor
Today’s sponsor is independent game publisher Nighthawk Interactive! Nighthawk has been supporting our fundraisers since year one, and we can’t thank them enough.
They’ve offered to DOUBLE every dollar put toward our goal this year, up to $1,000! As I write this we’re still pretty far from our goal, so if you’ve been waiting to give this year, this would be a really great time.
We love this item for its historical significance to the speedrunning community. Also because it’s easier to put on a shelf than most GDQ prizes. We don’t have much room for replica swords here. Bay Area rent is murder.

GOG Bundle Now Available!
GOG, along with a group of game developer friends, has put together a game history bundle for our benefit!
We’ve personally curated a selection of three historically important and interesting titles: The Last Express by Jordan Mechner and Smoking Car Productions, The Manhole by Cyan, and Wasteland by InXile (or originally, Interplay).
Not only have these three publishers agreed to donate all profits to us, so has GOG! If you’re interested, the bundle is available now through December 20th.