Ep. 81: Ghosts ‘N Goblins… ’N Ghouls… ’N Demons

Chris Baines shares his recently published documentary, The History of Ghosts ‘n Goblins (and Makaimura 魔界村) – Full Series Retrospective | ChrisB Crisps, covering the extensive (if confusingly titled) franchise and its creator Tokuro Fujiwara. In this episode: cringing from ‘go,’ clout is expensive, women are hard to find, we visit Kelsey’s WonderSwan Corner, and Frank ruins Chris’ video. Oh, and a “Woooooow” moment from a beautiful evolution line through history.

See more from Chris Baines:

Twitter: @ChrisBCrisps

YouTube: /ChrisBCrisps

Instagram: @ChrisBCrisps

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