Episode 124: Digital Library Launch

It’s finally arrived: our digital library archive is now open in early access! Our library team: library director Phil Salvador, director of technology Travis Brown, and artist and engineer Amanda Cifaldi all join foundation director Frank Cifaldi and show producer Robin Kunimune to celebrate and discuss the years-long project sampling just a portion of our physical collection. We highlight the library’s role in facilitating video game research, the importance of fair use, the novel tools and infrastructure we created in this process, legal and ethical considerations, and future plans for and potential of this digital archive.

*This episode has a follow-up bonus episode available to our paid tier Patreon members.

Digital Archive: archive.gamehistory.org

Library Catalog: library.gamehistory.org

You can listen to the Video Game History Hour every other Wednesday on Patreon (one day early at the $5 tier and above), on Spotify, or on our website.

Video Game History Foundation:

Email: podcast@gamehistory.org

Website: gamehistory.org

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